Sculpture And Architecture: The Integrated Relation

Sculpture Manufacturers Kolkata
The sculpture has a major relation to architecture. While constructing buildings architects often attempt to play with several spatial and formal concepts using sculptures to give it a wonderful look. Even sometimes due to limited budgetary and engineering constraints, the inadequateness is covered with stunning sculptures. However, the sculpture is such a medium that can perform formal and spatial tests to an aesthetic extent without architectural limitation. There are several modern sculpture artists and sculpture manufacturers in Kolkata whose products can be seen as architecture.

The sculpture is a man-made outcropping that uses simple gestures to produce an awe-inspiring interaction. One such sculpture manufacturing company in Kolkata is ConnectArt, their works deal with the sense of monumentality, sense of beauty, sense of abstractness. The creator plays with different aspects of life, scale, reflection and a manner of construction. Also, by using various natural and man-made materials sculptors play with the perception and scale of the artificial landscape.

Now, why I am telling you all this! Of course, the reason is there. Art lovers already know how to deal with sculpture, but not everyone! Let me tell you some facts-

  • You can manipulate the view of space with sculpture

  • You can create a surreal sensation in the interior

  • The certain medium of sculpture has different effects

  • The sheer size and scale of the pieces create their own space and create a harmony that resonates with the indoor or the outdoor and forms a new art.

Architects often recommend sculptures in relation to buildings and there is a good reason for this. When the ‘acclaimed’ phenomenon takes off, it is the stylistic form of the building that provides a signature for the architect. This architectural trade creates a brand for themselves that not only signifies their style but also offers a signature style. This is most often seen in the design of hi-rise skyscrapers, museums, etc.

So, according to the theory of stylization, the sculptural aspect of the architecture becomes a brand or signature for the building. In the same way, ConnectArt too has earned its name and has established itself as a brand for its creativity in the field of sculpture manufacturing. The firm’s expertise is seen in their recent projects that include Urban Green, Visitel Hotel, Worship House, Greenfield City, Ozone, Utkal Galleria in Kolkata and Bhubaneswar. They are also focusing on the other metro cities like Delhi and Bangalore.

Along with the stylization, it is important that you must be flexible with the medium of the sculpture. Because referring to different needs of a building material may differ for the sculpture, may it be bronze, silver, wood, fiberglass, stone or rock. Also, people have their different tastes for their indoor and outdoor sculpture needs. Creative minds from Connectart can enrich your knowledge with more information on sculpture and how you can showcase them in a more amazing way. So, personalize your visual content that involves interesting ideas, aesthetic beauty, and trends and drive more engagement. The firm is available to contact from 10 am to 8 pm from Monday to Saturday.