The Ultimate Nitty-Gritty of Framing Artwork At Home

Posted On : November 5th, 2019

artwork for wall decoration Too often, we hang artworks around the house instead of up on our walls. For starters, framing art often seems pricey and overloaded with options—a blue mat with a white wood frame or a blue frame with a red mat? Or maybe no mat at all? And then putting a nail into the wall seems like a serious enough act to merit some special thought. Before you know it, a dozen Sunday afternoons have rolled by and your walls are still blank.

Here, a simple approach to framing and hanging, along with a few expert words of wisdom from Connect Art to make a display you will adore. It is always good-to-know the basics. For total clarity on artwork for wall decoration, we are speaking here about artwork other than wildly expensive masterpieces or precious heirlooms—for those sorts of exceptions, have a good chat with a well-regarded framer to make sure you accommodate all special considerations.

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