A Stunningly Beautiful Garden to stress relief

Posted On : December 28th, 2019

outdoor garden sculpture
Beautiful gardens make your home warm and colorful. As making a home garden is part of your happiness, just a bit of your effort and love can totally change the look of your yard. A dream garden is a place to call home at the end of your 9-6 routine, a beautiful place to lit up after a long day of work. Sometimes the garden becomes as refreshing as you wish than the home cannot be, and welcomes you before you set your foot in the house.

In this article, we will look at how to make a home garden that can refresh you and relief your stress. Read this article and explore how you can transform your front or backyard considering some factors with these simple and basic tips!

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Unique Sculptures for Sale

Posted On : October 18th, 2019

Unique Sculptures for Sale
Buying and investing in sculpture is like any other normal investment. You’re not only investing your hard-earned money but investing space in your home. Therefore we advise only to buy sculptures from a trusted company or artist with a long-standing reputation. Don’t be pressured, a good and trustworthy sculpture dealer wants a long term relationship with you as a sculpture buyer.

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A Guide to Beautify Your Garden

Posted On : October 10th, 2019

A Guide to Beautify Your Garden If you have a small piece of land in front of your house or the backyard, by placing a graceful trellis or a weathered fountain you can turn it into a perfect eye-soothing ornamented garden. Whether it is a small privet garden at the heart of Kolkata city or a classic suburban backyard, to make it a pleasant one, require a lot of hard work. Putting plants, shade, seating, walkways, possible water features, and grass, still you could feel missing something: a garden sculpture art.

Garden ornament or garden sculpture art adds another dimension to the piece of land and give it a year-round appeal. Here are some tips and tricks to guide how you shape the garden sculpture that will help complete the look of the landscape.

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World Famous Outdoor Sculptures and Parks that One Must View

Posted On : October 1st, 2019

Unique sculptures for sale We often think viewing art is an indoor experience. But today’s famous outdoor sculpture parks and garden sculptures across the world encourage viewers to fan out, mill the grounds and stumble upon incredible works of art.

Focusing on modernist and contemporary artists, many of the sites have both permanent collections and a set of rotating exhibitions for a different experience for visitors year-round. Let’s take a look at some of the world-class sculptures that may feel you travel the world.


In Poland, the monument is located in the busy section of Wroclaw. The monument was opened for public on the 24th anniversary of martial law. The people, who were living at the time of martial law, know that it is real. These fourteen life-size characters are made of bronze.

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